savvy-nurse consultant

Savvy-NurseConsultant LLC

My Story


I’m very excited that you’re here, because there’s no time like the present to commit to changes you’re thinking about to start living the life you’re dreaming of. 

My name is Dalu, I’m a Nurse Practitioner and Health Coach. I live in New York with my husband and two amazing daughters ages 6 and 13 y.o. As a Nurse Practitioner I’ve worked in several settings including, acute care hospitals, long term care facilities, and even home care.

With my various positions and years of clinical experience one thing remained a constant, my passion of wanting to truly help my patients make sustainable changes to improve their health, but always feeling like that was not being accomplished. This truly left me feeling unfulfilled. What sparked some passion was family members asking me for suggestions on how they could make lifestyle changes and improve their health from conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and obesity. I realized this was the kind of impact I wanted to have on others. Helping them attain measurable, tangible changes in a way that was realistic and sustainable.

My decision to start my health coaching business was truly a combination of all those experiences, but what made me take action was when I found myself having health complications due to not prioritizing my own care.  My 3 hour daily commute  for work left me drained, and once I got home all I wanted to do was rest. I wasn’t exercising, and definitely not prioritizing healthy food options and the weight added on.

I decided to change the narrative of my poor health, and became my own health coach. I realized commuting so far was a big barrier, so I left my job in pursuit to find something closer to home. I changed gradually adding healthier meals, an exercise routine, and prioritizing self care. 

It was my health challenges which motivated me to start my  health coaching  business. I want to provide you with the same steps I’ve used to improve my health, lose weight, prevent diabetes, having more energy, and just a more confident me!

                          If this sounds like you click below for a free consultation! 


I believe fear is a normal feeling which occurs during change, creating this positive mnemonic has been helpful !

Forgetting the negative past

Entering into the future

Appreciating the lessons learned

Reflecting on the endless possibilities