savvy-nurse consultant

Savvy-NurseConsultant LLC

Lacking Motivation To Stick to Changes and Improve Your Health?

Lacking motivation and not sticking to changes to improve your health?⁣

Guess what you’re not alone. Clients have shared with me the struggle of lacking motivation to stick to changes that will help them to lose weight⁣.

Making longterm lifestyle changes are difficult, but not impossible, because I was once down that road of having no motivation⁣. I always came up with some excuse why I couldn’t exercise, or find time to prep my meals. ⁣ I eventually realized no matter how much I complained about the weight, NOTHING would change unless I took action.

Here are 5 tips I’ve used to stay motivated with weight loss & maintenance ⁣

1. Celebrating my wins, no matter how small I think they are⁣

2. Gradually building on changes ⁣

3. Remembering that no one can put the work in for me, if I want the changes I have to put in the action⁣

4. Allowing myself to have rest days⁣

5.Being gracious with myself, because this life is not about perfection for me it’s about showing up for myself every day. ⁣

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